Fall 2022 Newsletter

From The President
Dear CAPPA members and all,
I hope everyone enjoyed the recent CAPPA Conference hosted by the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. As always, the camaraderie was great, and I heard many conversations about interesting and engaging topics from the educational sessions presented. Attendance was good and everyone seemed to enjoy

MY CAPPA Story—Lee McQueen – Retired, PE Emeritus, M.E.M.—University of Nebraska at Kearney
I am the current CAPPA historian. This means I’m old, and retired. I’m hopeful I can express how my CAPPA experience can provide value to you. Here’s the short version of my professional journey: I graduated with degrees in mechanical engineering and business administration, worked for a mechanical electrical design

From the Business Partners
Well BP’s, that’s a wrap on the 2022 CAPPA Conference! Thank you to all who attended and made this event such a success. We are grateful for your attendance and overall engagement with the membership. The overall feedback presented at the Business Partner Wrap-Up meeting was overwhelmingly positive. Members were

The 2022 CAPPA Conference
The 2022 CAPPA Conference was held at the Lincoln Marriott Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln, Nebraska, and hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. This year’s theme, “Every Interaction Matters” finally became tangible as some conference attendees visited a variety of educational and informational sessions, and others were expanding on their skill

22-23 CAPPA Board of Directors
L-R (back): Brian Lasey, President; Matthew Rom, 1st VP; Randy Stapleton, 2nd VP; Luis Morales, 3rd VP; Christine Nelson, Assistant Treasurer; Angela Meyer, Regional Director to APPA; Nate Benes, Information & Communications Chair; Rodolfo Zelaya, Professional Development Co-Chair; Lee McQueen, Historian. L-R (front): Debra Jones, Business Partner Representative; Virginia Smith,

Congratulations to the Award & Scholarship Winners!
CAPPA Distinguished Member Angela Meyer Southeast Missouri State University CAPPA President’s Award Christina Hills APPA CAPPA Meritorious Service Markus Hogue University of Texas – Austin Steve McClain University of Arkansas CAPPA Newsletter Award Ben Boslaugh Missouri State University Joe Martin SpawGlass, Inc. APPA

Supervisor’s Toolkit
Supervisor’s Toolkit has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the facilities management professional. It is a structured, open-ended, and pragmatic approach to developing supervisors. It is not so much a teaching program as a development process, designed to help supervisors realize both personal and professional growth.

Leadership Academy – Academy on Campus
APPA’s Leadership Academy is a unique experience that will expand your ability to be an effective leader. Our programming promotes the concepts and skills needed to be a life-long learner—not just in leadership but in your personal life, making this program a real “game-changer.”
The Leadership Academy is designed as

UNL Team Honors Joel Webb at CAPPA Conference
The 2022 CAPPA Conference provided the setting for some University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) staff members to gather and honor one of their own. Joel Webb, Associate Director of Environment Health and Safety (EHS), was diagnosed with cancer in July 2020. In 2022, the cancer returned and did not respond to

Historically Speaking #2
This article discusses CAPPA’s publishing of a newsletter through the years, and the volunteer editors.
CAPPA is managed by a Board of Directors. President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer are roles familiar to most. However, Newsletter Editor as used by CAPPA is a role that may not be as familiar.

CAPPA Tech Tips – Steam Traps
If you have a steam system – you have them. Understood by few, they are required for safe & efficient production and distribution of steam. Small or large they can make or break your system and are frequently taken for granted (or completely forgotten). Steam traps are installed in lines