Summer 2022 Newsletter

From The President
CAPPA is extremely thrilled to be hosting the 2022 face-to-face annual conference October 9—11, 2022 in Lincoln, Nebraska.
This year’s theme is “Every Interaction Matters”. We build relationships – and our reputations – on how we communicate and relate to others.

My CAPPA Story—Jenny Cundiff – Energy Educator/Manager—Oklahoma State University
I first learned about CAPPA in 2016 when I was introduced to the organization by Ron Tarbutton, Chief Facilities Officer, Facilities Management at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. At the time, Ron was serving with APPA and CAPPA, and he asked if I would be interested in serving with

Academy on Campus & Supervisor’s Toolkit at CAPPA Annual Conference
It’s not too late to register for Academy on Campus Level 3 or Supervisor’s Toolkit – both being offered at the 2022 CAPPA Annual Conference. Both of these offerings will begin at 8 am Sunday, October 9, with three full days of training.

Business Partners News
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2022 CAPPA Conference to be held October 9-11 in Lincoln, Nebraska, and there’s still time to register to attend and exhibit. To help you have the most successful experience, we have created a “Prezi” an online file that you can view

Historically Speaking #1
I am honored to have been elected last fall as your CAPPA Historian. My qualifications for this role are that I have supported CAPPA for many years (as co-chair and member of Professional Development committee), and now am old and retired.

2022 CAPPA Conference
Welcome to Lincoln! The city was founded in 1856 as the village of Lancaster on the wild salt marshes of what was to become Lancaster County. Renamed after President Abraham Lincoln, it became Nebraska’s state capital in 1869. The Bertram G. Goodhue–designed state capitol building was completed in 1932, and

The Comic Side of Work Orders
For the past 15 years, I have worked within OSU Facilities Management as an energy manager responsible for monitoring utility usage and meter issues within Residential Life. In the process, I have had the opportunity to view numerous work orders, often resulting in either laughter or astonishment.
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