Membership Committee

Membership Committee

Charge: Dual role of fostering and recruiting members and promoting membership in both CAPPA and APPA.

Requires: At least one representative from each state or province in the CAPPA region.

ChairGabriel HamptonNE
RecruiterMarkus HogueTX
Member-at-Large AR
Member-at-LargeLynn CrippenKS
Member-at-LargeCole PruittMO
Member-at-Large NE
Member-at-Large ND
Member-at-Large OK
Member-at-Large MB – Canada

Charge/Expectations/Responsibilities for Committee Members

 The Membership Committee (except the Chair) shall be appointed within thirty (30) days of the CAPPA Annual Meeting by the incoming President. The committee should consist of representatives from each geographical area within the CAPPA region. The committee members shall be members of CAPPA and shall serve a one-year term beginning and ending on the last or closing day of the CAPPA Annual Meeting; may be re-appointed; and may serve more than one term.