Finance Committee

Finance Committee

Charge: Recommending to the Executive Committee such financial policies and procedures as deemed appropriate, and shall oversee the management of all CAPPA funds.

Requires: Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, 1 rep from Professional Development, 1 rep from Membership, 1 rep from Information Services, 2 reps from Members-at-Large

Chair Megan Telecky NE
Treasurer / Ex-Officio Lisa Mueller SD
Assistant Treasurer / Ex-Officio
Professional Development Jacob Sharrer NE
Membership Whitney Jibben SD
Information Committee Peter Palacios TX

Charge/Expectations/Responsibilities for Committee Members

The Finance Committee shall be appointed within thirty (30) days of the CAPPA Annual Meeting by the incoming President. The committee shall consist of the Chair, one representative from the Professional Development Committee, one representative from the Membership Committee, one representative from the Information and Communications Committee and two (2) representatives from the membership at large; the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall be Ex- Officio members. The two (2) representatives from the membership at large shall be recommended to the President by the Treasurer. The committee members shall be members of CAPPA and shall serve a one-year term beginning and ending on the last or closing day of the CAPPA Annual Meeting, may be re-appointed, and may serve more than one term. The President shall appoint a Chair from the membership of the committee. The Finance Committee is charged with recommending to the Board of Directors such financial policies and procedures as deemed appropriate and shall oversee the management of all CAPPA funds.