Awards & Recognition Committee

Awards & Recognition Committee

Charge: Select recipients for the Distinguished Member, Certificate of Meritorious Service, and Newsletter Awards.  In addition, may make nominations for appropriate APPA awards.

Requires: 3 or more members.

Vice President- Membership Jeannie Knott TX
Newsletter Editor Jeannie Knott TX
CAPPA Awards Rep to APPA Olivia Scott NE
Historian Lee McQueen NE

Charge/Expectations/Responsibilities for Committee Members

The Awards Committee members shall be appointed within thirty (30) days of the CAPPA Annual Meeting by the incoming President. The committee shall consist of no less than three members. The Vice President – Membership shall automatically serve as Chair of the committee. The Newsletter Editor, Historian and the CAPPA Awards Representative to APPA shall automatically serve as members of the committee. The committee shall select the recipients of the Distinguished Member Awards, the Certificates of Meritorious Service, and Newsletter Award, as described in the CAPPA Administrative Rules. The committee members shall be members of CAPPA and shall serve a one-year term beginning and ending on the last or closing day of the CAPPA Annual Meeting, may be re-appointed, and may serve more than one term.


· APPA: Pacesetter and Meritorious Service
· CAPPA: Distinguished Member and Meritorious Service
· Newsletter: Recommended by the Newsletter Editor