
The Chair or Co-chairs of each Committee report to the VPs of Membership and Professional Development of the Executive Committee (shown below). If you would like to know more about each Committee, please visit their pages through the links provided in the sidebar. There are vacant positions open should you have interest in participating in our committees!

Executive Committee

The Officers of CAPPA are the President, President-Elect, Vice President – Membership, Vice President – Professional Development, Secretary, and Treasurer. The election of Officers shall occur each year at the Annual Meeting of the Association as terms expire.

The Board of Directors shall receive and consider the CAPPA President’s recommended candidates for:  Newsletter Editor, Membership Chair, Professional Development Co-Chairs,
Information and Communications Chair, Finance Chair, Historian, Conference Coordinator, Recruiter,
and up to two Business Partner Representatives.


President Luis Morales TX (voting)
President-Elect David Hall MO (voting)
Vice President – Membership Gabriel Hampton NE (voting)
Vice President – Professional Development Ben Boslaugh MO (voting)
Secretary Cole Pruitt MO (voting)
Treasurer Lisa Mueller SD (voting)
APPA Regional Director Matthew Rom OK (voting)
Immediate Past President Brian Lasey AR (non-voting)
APPA Liaison to CAPPA Board Christina Hills (non-voting)

Power and Duties:
a. Shall rule on questions of policy which arise between Annual Meetings;
b. Shall in the event of a vacancy, retirement, or change in employment status of the President,
appoint a replacement to serve until the next Annual Meeting. Notice of such appointment shall be
provided to the membership through the newsletter or other mass communication method;
c. Shall authorize appropriate expenditures from the treasury;
d. Shall approve dates of Annual Meetings after the recommendation of the Site Selection
e. Shall meet at least two times per year;
f. At all meetings, a simple majority of its members including either the President or First Vice
President, shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, any action taken shall be of a
recommendation nature only, but may be confirmed at a later date with the necessary quorum.
Each member is entitled to one vote. Proxy voting shall not be permitted.
g. Shall maintain a current strategic plan and ensure the plan is fully reviewed at least every five (5)