CAPPA Tech Tips—Annual Steam Outage

There are likely several hundred or more on your campus, but are they properly sized? Pressure gauges typically have the specified isolation valve (or trumpet valve), snubber, or pig tail. Proper sizing can present serious issues when miscalculated. The accuracy of the gauge is not always what is shown on the gauge face. Most bourdon tube mechanical pressure gauges are accurate between 1/4 and 7/8 of the gauge range. It is not a linear relationship. For example, the gauge shown to the right would be most accurate between 15 psi and 52.5 psi.
Congratulations to Our Supervisor’s Toolkit Classes!

Hosted by: CAPPA, TAPPA, & Texas State University
CAPPA Officer & Award Nomination Ballots Coming Soon!
Ballots for CAPPA Officer Nominations and Award Nominations will be heading your way soon, so be on the lookout for future emails! Here are the positions up for nomination: President-Elect: shall automatically become the President following service the preceding year as President-Elect. The President-Elect shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by a majority vote, […]
The 2024 CAPPA/MAPPA Annual Conference!
CAPPA and MAPPA, the Central and Midwest regions of APPA, are excited to announce the 2024 CAPPA/MAPPA Joint Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Together, we are “Arching Forward” into the future of facilities management, and we want you to be a part of the experience! Registration is now open for the2024 CAPPA/MAPPA Joint Conference!Sunday, October […]
CAPPA Tech Tips—Pressure Gauges

There are likely several hundred or more on your campus, but are they properly sized? Pressure gauges typically have the specified isolation valve (or trumpet valve), snubber, or pig tail. Proper sizing can present serious issues when miscalculated. The accuracy of the gauge is not always what is shown on the gauge face. Most bourdon tube mechanical pressure gauges are accurate between 1/4 and 7/8 of the gauge range. It is not a linear relationship. For example, the gauge shown to the right would be most accurate between 15 psi and 52.5 psi.
Congratulations to Another Supervisor’s Toolkit Class!

Hosted by: CAPPA, TAPPA, & Texas State University
CAPPA Tech Tips – Steam Traps

If you have a steam system – you have them. Understood by few, they are required for safe & efficient production and distribution of steam. Small or large they can make or break your system and are frequently taken for granted (or completely forgotten). Steam traps are installed in lines to drain condensate from a system without allowing the escape of steam (MM3 & 2 124). There are several types of traps, and the application (not the pipe size) should determine the type of trap installed.
Leadership Academy – Academy on Campus

APPA’s Leadership Academy is a unique experience that will expand your ability to be an effective leader. Our programming promotes the concepts and skills needed to be a life-long learner—not just in leadership but in your personal life, making this program a real “game-changer.”
The Leadership Academy is designed as an interactive learning experience. This means that there are many activities you will be asked to participate in, such as: organizing a cohort group, presenting group thoughts and ideas, leading a discussion on a given topic, listening to content delivery, and expressing new solutions to old problems, etc. This style requires that you participate but, more importantly, that you grow as a leader.
Supervisor’s Toolkit

Supervisor’s Toolkit has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the facilities management professional. It is a structured, open-ended, and pragmatic approach to developing supervisors. It is not so much a teaching program as a development process, designed to help supervisors realize both personal and professional growth.
Congratulations to the Award & Scholarship Winners!

CAPPA Distinguished Member Angela Meyer Southeast Missouri State University CAPPA President’s Award Christina Hills APPA CAPPA Meritorious Service Markus Hogue University of Texas – Austin Steve McClain University of Arkansas CAPPA Newsletter Award Ben Boslaugh Missouri State University Joe Martin SpawGlass, Inc. APPA Fellow Glen Haubold New […]