
There are two classifications of memberships:

  1. Voting:
    a. Institutional Representatives
    b. Associate Members
    c. Affiliate Members
    d. Individual Memberships
  2. Non-voting
    a. Business Partners
    b. Emeritus Members
    c. Retired Member
    d. Honorary Membership

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Institutional Representatives are the principal administrators of the member institutions or the principal administrators of systems of higher education. They represent their respective institutions in the governance of the CAPPA.
Associate Members are Physical Plant professional, administrative, or supervisory personnel of member institutions. Associates can vote when designated to act for the principal administrator in casting the vote of the institution. 
Affiliate Members are professional personnel employed at member institutions or systems, other than institutional representatives or associates, engaged in work related to Physical Plant functions.
Individual Memberships Unrelated to Institutional Membership
Business Partners are corporations that provide products and services to the facilities managers in the education environment.  Each branch office shall be considered an individual business.
Emeritus Members are CAPPA members in good standing who retire from member institutions or systems and who apply for emeritus status.
Retired Member status may be granted to an individual who has retired as a CAPPA member in good standing.
Honorary Membership may be bestowed on any person deemed worthy of the honor, whether or not they have been in Physical Plant work or a member of CAPPA, by a majority vote of the membership.