Ballots for CAPPA Officer Nominations and Award Nominations will be heading your way soon, so be on the lookout for future emails!

Here are the positions up for nomination:

President-Elect: shall automatically become the President following service the preceding year as President-Elect. The President-Elect shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by a majority vote, provided they all are a member of CAPPA and APPA. They shall assume the appropriate office at the Annual Meeting and shall serve a term of one year or until the next Annual Meeting, assuming they are still a member of CAPPA and APPA.

Power and Duties
a. Shall accept the office of President following the term of office as President-Elect;
b. Shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President as herein stated;
c. Shall, in the event of a vacancy in the office of President, serve as President as herein stated until a new President is named by the Board of Directors to serve out the unexpired term.


Vice President for Membership: Vice Presidents shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by a majority vote to serve a two-year term, provided the candidate is a member of CAPPA and APPA; shall assume office at the close of the Annual Meeting; and shall be eligible for reelection to a second two-year term; to serve a maximum of four consecutive years. The Vice President – Membership shall be elected in even years, with the Vice President – Professional Development elected in odd years. The Vice Presidents shall each be a member of the Board of Directors.

Powers and Duties
a. Shall oversee the following CAPPA Committees: Membership, Nominations, Information, Communications, Newsletter, and Awards
b. Shall oversee the CAPPA Recruiter and Historian


Secretary: shall be elected on even numbered years at the Annual Meeting by a majority vote, provided the candidate is a member of CAPPA and APPA; shall assume the office at the close of the Annual Meeting; and shall be eligible for reelection to a second two-year term; to serve a maximum of four consecutive years.

Power and Duties
a. Shall record and maintain the minutes of the Annual Meeting and of the Board of Directors meetings;
b. Shall under the direction of the President be responsible for all business records of CAPPA;
c. Shall be responsible for conducting the correspondence of the association;
d. Shall in a timely fashion, assist the President in providing information for the Annual Report;
e. Shall be a member of the Executive Committee;
f. Shall be a member of the Bylaws Committee.


APPA Regional Director: shall be selected and appointed by each APPA region. The APPA Regional Director shall be elected at an Annual Meeting by a majority. The APPA Regional Director shall be appointed to a three-year term and will not be eligible for reappointment to a second term. The appointee shall be a member in good standing of CAPPA and APPA. Retirees and individuals who left the education facilities management profession are eligible to serve, unless further restricted by the authority making the appointment.

Power and Duties
a. Shall be a member of the APPA Board of Directors and the CAPPA Board of Directors. In this dual role, shall participate in the governing of both organizations including voting on all matters brought before them;
b. Shall be responsible for liaison between APPA and CAPPA, keeping the APPA Board of Directors advised of CAPPA functioning as it relates to APPA, and informing the CAPPA Board of Directors of APPA functioning as it relates to CAPPA;
c. Shall keep the CAPPA President advised and shall seek out the opinions and recommendations of the President and other officers of CAPPA as necessary;
d. Shall recommend to the CAPPA President, CAPPA members to serve on APPA appointed committees;
e. Shall, with consent of the CAPPA Board of Directors and consent of the individual member, submit such member as a nominee for APPA office;
f. Shall provide a written report of all APPA meetings for inclusion in the CAPPA Newsletters.


Professional Development Co-Chair: shall be appointed by the CAPPA President with the approval of the Board of Directors in alternating years provided the candidate is a member of CAPPA and APPA; and shall be eligible to serve a maximum of four consecutive years.

Power and Duties
a. Shall be responsible for all professional development programs for the CAPPA organization;
b. Participate in the APPA Professional Development Committee; attend necessary meetings;
c. Shall render an itemized, written report and budget; describing activities and anticipated expenses and income for professional development programs;
d. Shall receive, review and recommend to the Board of Directors the award of all continuing education grant applications submitted by CAPPA members;
e. Shall provide the President a list of recommended members to the Professional Development Committee, for the upcoming year, within twenty-one days of the Annual Meeting;


Membership Chair: shall be appointed by the CAPPA President with the approval of the Board of Directors to serve a maximum of four consecutive years.

Power and Duties
a. Shall in conjunction with the Treasurer, serve a dual role of fostering and recruiting members and promoting membership in both CAPPA and APPA;
b. Participate in the APPA Membership Committee and attend necessary meetings;
c. Shall keep accurate records of the active membership;
d. Shall render a written report at the CAPPA Annual Meeting and at the Board of Directors Meetings;
e. Shall provide the President a list of recommended members to the Membership Committee for the upcoming year, within twenty-one days of the Annual Meeting;


Historian: shall be appointed by the CAPPA President with the approval of the Board of Directors The term of the appointment shall be open-ended and shall continue as long as it is mutually agreeable to the Historian and to the Board of Directors.

Power and Duties
a. Shall be responsible for the care and protection of all historical memorabilia of CAPPA;
b. Shall provide a minimum of one article concerning CAPPA history, per fiscal year for the Newsletter;
c. Shall attend the annual meeting and provide a display of the memorabilia;
d. Shall provide the President a written budget for review and approval prior to submittal to the Treasurer for any activity regarding expenditure of funds prior to obligations of any funds;
e. Shall be a member of the Information and Communications Committee and the Awards Committee;


Business Partner Representative: The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, up to two current CAPPA members (alternating years) of the Business Partners to serve as as co-chairs of the Business Partner Committee. The term shall be for two years; to serve a maximum of four consecutive years. One of the co-chairs will serve as a non-voting member of the CAPPA Board of Directors. The Business Partner Committee will elect their board member representative at their first meeting following the CAPPA Annual Meeting.


Recruiter: shall be appointed by the CAPPA President, with the approval of the board of Directors. The appointee shall be a member in good standing of CAPPA and APPA. The Recruiter shall be appointed to a three-year term and will be eligible for reappointment to a second term.

Powers and Duties
a. Shall recruit individuals from all geographical regions of CAPPA membership for nomination to open Board of Director and Committee positions;
b. Shall serve on the Nominating Committee;
c. Shall organize and preside over periodically scheduled meetings throughout the year;
d. Shall be a member of the Membership Committee;

Here are the awards up for nomination:

Distinguished Member Award: The highest award of CAPPA is awarded for singularly outstanding service to CAPPA over a substantial time period and/or for exceptional contributions to the physical plant profession. The Distinguished Member Award will be for greater service and contributions, generally over a longer time period than considered for the Certificate of Meritorious Service.

Eligibility is limited to Institutional Representatives, Associates, and Affiliates of CAPPA.

A maximum of two awards my be presented each year.

The Distinguished Member Award may be presented only once to any individual.

Selections of recipients will be based on the following criteria, listed in relative order of priority.

1. Service in the administration of CAPPA in either an elective or appointive office.
2. Service to the membership and contributions to the profession through writings, service on faculties of educational events of CAPPA, APPA, state organizations, and other professional organizations.
3. Service in the organization and administration of state or other chapter organizations.


Certificate of Meritorious Service: will be presented for special contributions to CAPPA or to the physical plant profession.

Eligibility is open to all categories of affiliation within CAPPA Institutional Representatives, Associates, Affiliates, Business Partners, Emeritus, Retired, and Honorary Members, and such additional categories as may be established in the future. By special authorization of the Executive Committee, certificates may be presented to any other person.

A maximum of three certificates may be presented each year except by special authorization of the Executive Committee.

There is no limitation on the number of times this award may be presented to any individual, including to recipients of the Distinguished Member Award, provided subsequent awards are based on new criteria which were not considered in previous presentations of the Certificate of Meritorious Service or the Distinguished Member Award.

Selections of recipients will be based on the following criteria, listed in relative order of priority.

1. Service in the administration of CAPPA in either an elective or appointive office.
2. Service to the membership and contributions to the profession through writings, service on faculties of educational events of CAPPA, APPA, state organizations, and other professional organizations.
3. Service in the organization and administration of state or other chapter organizations.


Newsletter Award: The recipient will be the author of the article selected as that which best promotes the purposes of CAPPA and/or best makes a contribution to the facilities management profession.

Articles considered can be in any of the broad spectrums of the profession including personnel administration, business management, engineering, leadership and motivation, or in the administration and functioning of CAPPA or APPA, or their related activities. Emphasis will be given to originality and content.

Eligibility is open to all categories of affiliation with CAPPA – Institutional Representative, Associates, Affiliates, Business Partners, Emeritus, Retired, Honorary Members, and such additional categories as may be established in the future. By special authorization of the Executive Committee, the award may be presented to any other person.

Only one award may be presented each year to a member, and one to a Business Partner.


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