By: Celeste Spier—University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The 2022 CAPPA Conference provided the setting for some University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) staff members to gather and honor one of their own. Joel Webb, Associate Director of Environment Health and Safety (EHS), was diagnosed with cancer in July 2020. In 2022, the cancer returned and did not respond to treatment. Joel and his family made the difficult decision not to continue treatment.
To honor Joel’s 19 years of service to the University, Jim Jackson, Associate Vice Chancellor of University Operations, and Brenda Osthus, Director of EHS, collaborated to recognize him. A plaque was created describing his impact on the University, and a memorial tree was planted on campus outside of the EHS building in his honor. To present the plaque and tell Joel and his family about the memorial tree, Jim and Brenda organized an informal gathering of the UNL CAPPA attendees, along with Joel, his wife Jill, and son Landon, on the evening of the CAPPA reception.
The plaque inscription reads:
In Honor of Joel Webb
Presented for outstanding meritorious service to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the
Environmental Health & Safety Department since 2003 as an Associate Director and Radiation Safety Officer. During his tenure, Joel created, implemented and guided numerous Environmental Health & Safety programs enabling cutting edge research throughout the institution. His dedication and devotion to the University earned him two University Board of Regents awards. His complete devotion to the mentorship and career growth of over 100 employees directly fostered greater collaboration and displayed leadership by example to all. Joel’s exceptional professionalism, personal initiative, and devotion to his team and University reflected great credit upon him and were in keeping with the traditions of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Your team at Environmental Health & Safety and University Operations is in grateful appreciation to your positive impact, service and dedication.
Joel Webb passed away on October 20, 2022, at home with family by his side.