APPA’s Leadership Academy is a unique experience that will expand your ability to be an effective leader. Our programming promotes the concepts and skills needed to be a life-long learner—not just in leadership but in your personal life, making this program a real “game-changer.”
The Leadership Academy is designed as an interactive learning experience. This means that there are many activities you will be asked to participate in, such as: organizing a cohort group, presenting group thoughts and ideas, leading a discussion on a given topic, listening to content delivery, and expressing new solutions to old problems, etc. This style requires that you participate but, more importantly, that you grow as a leader.
We want the Academy to make a difference in your life. Please take time to know and understand the concepts. LEADERSHIP can be learned and applied to any role in your life, Professional or Personal. LEADERSHIP is a CHOICE and not a position. Choosing what RIGHT results from good leadership principles, practices, and choices is. ENJOY the experience!
Paula Farnsworth, Dean of the Academy
Level I: Individual Effectiveness Skills
Helps participants explore their values and highest priorities, increase productivity by staying focused on those priorities, improve leadership skills and trust-based relationships, and achieve a healthy work/life balance. Participants will discover that the pursuit of effectiveness will have enduring positive impacts on both their personal and professional lives.
Level II: Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
Focuses on understanding the dynamics of working together and successful ways to sustain trust which can be used to support successful relationships and team efforts.
Level III: Managerial Effectiveness Skills
Participants develop and strengthen leadership skills while learning basic principles for organizational and managerial effectiveness. Attendees experience a dynamic learning environment utilizing engaging discussion groups, learning games, discovery exercises, synergy, and project collaboration.
Level IV: Organizational Effectiveness Skills
The skills we have to change and develop organizations will require us to be at the institutional decision-making table helping to guide and manage the assets of the institution. This level prepares you with the organizational skills needed to sit at the table in order to provide excellent learning environments.
‘APPA U’ is making its way to Fort Worth, Texas on January 10-12, 2023 where all four levels will be available.
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