Brian Lasey
Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities & Maintenance
Arkansas State University

“We all have the opportunity to be an active part in determining what our organizations become.”
~Brian Lasey~
Dear CAPPA members and all,
I hope everyone enjoyed the recent CAPPA Conference hosted by the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. As always, the camaraderie was great, and I heard many conversations about interesting and engaging topics from the educational sessions presented. Attendance was good and everyone seemed to enjoy gathering in person once again.
New this year were round table discussion sessions intended to spark conversations amongst colleagues about specific topics. If you liked that format, please let someone on the Professional Development committee know. I’m sure they would appreciate any feedback that helps plan future sessions. This committee is dedicated to ensuring the learning opportunities remain valuable.
Also new this year was the unveiling of the CAPPA Business Partner database. The goal is to showcase our business partners in a location easily accessible by all members so they can find the help they need, when they need it. Special thanks to CAPPA’s past president, Markus Hogue, on the original design. I’d also like to recognize Debra Jones and Allison Anderson-Fobert for their efforts to engage business partners and encourage their increased participation. The database can be found here on the CAPPA website page for Business Partners.
The list of friends and colleagues that should be recognized for their participation at the 2022 CAPPA Conference, and in many other capacitates, is too large to print here. Without the tireless efforts of these volunteers there would be no Fall Conferences, nor CAPPA sponsored Supervisor Toolkits. I started attending CAPPA events in 2009. I met people. I learned things. But it wasn’t until I actively participated, however, that those relationships started to really develop.
In Lincoln I asked everyone to take advantage of the tools and opportunities CAPPA provides. One of those is the opportunity to serve the organization. That service has helped me forge some valuable relationships. It has provided me opportunities to branch out, meet new people, and try new things. Involvement in CAPPA can start with participating on a committee, or it can go as far as serving as an officer. There are many opportunities, just let me know how you’d like to participate.
In closing, I’m genuinely looking forward to the future. We’ve had some difficult times recently and Higher Education, and Facilities Management, have been forced to evolve. The challenges brought on by these changes should be exciting. We all have the opportunity to be an active part in determining what our organizations become.
Use your CAPPA relationships to your advantage. Use the tools offered by APPA and CAPPA to help you meet those challenges. The Board of Directors is dedicated to ensuring CAPPA remains valuable to our members throughout these changes, and we want your input and participation as CAPPA addresses the changing landscape too. Contact any member of the Board of Directors with suggestions, to volunteer, or just to ask for assistance.
Hope to see you all in Dallas, Texas next year for the 2023 CAPPA Conference, hosted by the University of Texas at Dallas, on October 1-3, 2023.
Brian Lasey
CAPPA President 2022-2023
Arkansas State University