Sheila Awalt
Assistant to the Associate Vice President for Facilities Management
The University of Texas at El Paso

“…our success would not be possible without the dedication of our members and Business Partners…”
~Sheila Awalt~
Hello from El Paso, Texas!
First, I would like to state that our success would not be possible without the dedication of our members and business partners, as well as the strong leadership and hard work of our small, but mighty Board of Directors.
We have successfully launched our new CAPPA website platform. Let’s give a big shout out to the team that worked on the site update and did the heavy lifting: Nate Benes, Ben Boslaugh, Jenny Cundiff, Ian Hadden, Markus Hogue, Jeannie Knott and Peter Palacios!
We continue to offer educational scholarship opportunities for you and your staff for the enhanced skills needed in today’s facilities management environment. Visit the CAPPA Continuing Education Grants Program web page to learn how to apply for these funds available to CAPPA members.
Please reach out to me, or Markus Hogue, our CAPPA Recruiter at if you are interested in being involved with CAPPA at the Board of Directors level.
Featured in this CAPPA Newsletter Spring edition are articles from CAPPA members and valued Business Partners that we trust will provide insight and ideas in addressing some of the most urgent needs in Higher Education Facilities. You will also find links and information about the upcoming
in-person CAPPA Conference, to be held October 9-11, 2022, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Registration is now open.
I close with greetings and sincerest thanks to you all.
Sheila Awalt
CAPPA President 2021-2022
University of Texas at El Paso
P.S. This year’s conference theme is: “Every interaction matters.”