The 2022 CAPPA Conference will be held October 9-11 in Lincoln, Nebraska, and we look forward to welcoming old and new Business Partners that provide valued resources, services, training and information to CAPPA members. Early bird registration for BPs will be available through July 31, 2022; so, don’t miss this opportunity to share your expertise with conference attendees. Workshops provided at the CAPPA Conference will be in these categories:
• Technical—Deep Dive (Energy/Utilities)
• Energy/Utilities
• Operations/Maintenance (Custodial, Grounds and Maintenance)
• Planning/Design/Construction
• Leadership/Management
In other news, CAPPA has recently launched a new website. On the home page, there is a tab for Business Partners (BPs) with the opportunity for BPs to enter their contact information into CAPPA’s database to provide CAPPA members with contact information. Be sure to explore the map, in which BPs are featured by state and by type of work for quick reference.
If you would like more information about involvement with CAPPA as a Business Partner, please contact the BP Representatives, Debra Jones or Allison Anderson-Fobert.